Dina Farmer
I created "Lily and Magnolia Travel" as an answer to my own dilemma of wanting to vacation with my autistic son but didn’t know where to travel, what to do when I got there, and how to provide my son with an experience that was enjoyable for him without triggering him in any way.
You may think you can’t travel with an autistic family member but I’m here to tell that I’ve developed a system that works no matter the complexity of your itinerary. I can help you create solutions to questions like:
What about their routine?
What about therapy appointments?
Can medical equipment be taken on vacation? If so, how?
How can I help a family member with autism when we are on vacation?
You’ll will be prepared, knowledgeable, and confident in your ability to navigate vacation travel with your autistic loved one. I can guarantee this because I’m not only a Travel Advisor, but I’m also a certified Autism Travel professional. That means I have proven resources on everything from autism friendly airlines and hotels to resorts and cruises with autism friendly itinerary and amenities.
Your vacation will be packed with autism friendly activities that create positive memories for your loved ones – because isn’t that the goal at the end of the day? To create memories, and cement positive, loving family connection?
Planning a vacation with your family is tough coupled with a child with autism can make for some unique challenges. This is why I created Lily and Magnolia to help you navigate the unique challenges when planning a vacation and to remove the stress involved after all you deserve it.
$250 is my planning fee.
plan-your-trip this is a link to my planning form